2020 Census Information and Twin Oaks Response Rate

Twin Oaks has a census response rate of 68.4 percent.
Twin Oaks Census Results

The 2020 Census currently underway is an opportunity for residents of Twin Oaks to make sure the hard-earned tax dollars they send to Washington, D.C. make their way back to our community and the state of Missouri.

For every adult and every child that is not counted in the Census, Missouri could potentially lose $1,300 in federal dollars every year. When every Missourian is counted, we get more money for roads and bridges, hospitals, and schools. The City of Twin Oaks encourages all residents to respond to the 2020 Census today at my2020census.gov

For this census, the U.S. Census Bureau is tracking response rates in communities in real-time. According to the latest update, the City of Twin Oaks has a response rate of 68.4 percent. This means that the Census estimates that nearly 70 percent of everyone who lives in Twin Oaks has responded. While this exceeds the current state average of 51 percent, it's still short of the 80 percent resonse rate that the city had in 2010.

As Twin Oaks has grown in recent years, it's absolutely critical that our city gives the federal government a full and accurate count. Make sure to respond and let your friends and family know the importance of ensuring #MissouriCounts!

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