A Message from Mayor Russ Fortune

Dear Friends,

Goodbye to 2020! Any discussion of the previous year would be incomplete without talking about COVID-19 and the impact it had on our daily lives. The rapid spread, severity, and transmission of coronavirus presented many challenges to citizens and businesses throughout our country.

Last February, if someone told me our businesses would be shut down, most schools would go to online learning, churches would be locked, all social activities canceled, thousands of workers laid off, recreational and sports activities halted and municipal offices closed, I couldn’t have imagined how we would navigate through such a seemingly impossible situation. Thanks to advancements in technology, our City staff were able to work virtually without missing a beat, and we were able to hold our regularly scheduled Board meetings on Zoom as well as stream them live on Facebook. 

Municipalities were financially impacted in 2020 as a result of declining sales tax revenue due to County closure orders and occupancy restrictions. I am happy to report that the impact on Twin Oak was minimal. The Board of Aldermen took measures to reduce spending during this unpredictable period. Our sales tax revenue, which is mostly derived from two essential businesses, remained strong throughout the year. Also, you did your part by supporting our small businesses, helping them weather the storm and keep their doors open. I would like to thank everyone for pitching in and being part of the solution. As the saying goes, “it takes a village.”

 As we begin 2021, we remain cautious regarding our spending. Soon we expect to be back in the office and conducting our meetings in the Council Chambers. Our meetings will also continue to be broadcast live on Facebook. Additionally, we are hoping to return to limited social activities in the park later this year.

I am also happy to report two exciting projects are currently underway in Twin Oaks.

First, Dunkin Donuts broke ground in Big Bend Square and should be open for business this summer. Second, a preliminary development plan has been approved by the Board for Aldi’s to occupy 40 percent of the vacated Shop n’ Save store.

In 2020, Frank Johnson joined us as City Clerk during the beginning of the pandemic. Frank, Theresa Gonzales, John Williams, Officer John Wehner, and Randy Overfield have done an outstanding job working through these unusual times, and I want to thank them for their dedication to Twin Oaks.

I want to remind everyone that the municipal election is coming up on April 6th. Two Aldermen, Lisa Eisenhauer and Dennis Whitmore, are running uncontested this year. I would appreciate you casting your vote as a show of appreciation for their hard work and commitment to making Twin Oaks a great place to live, work, and play.

I have enjoyed working with the Board and the City staff and I look forward to being your Mayor for the next two years.

Thank you and please stay safe.


Russ Fortune